I was wondering where Matt got this "talent" until I looked closely at a photo I managed to get of his Mother and Casstonto...HONESTLY!!!
Makes Matt look like a novice, huh? Casstonto was unhappy, but Linda seems to feel relief...HONEST!!! Anyway, we left Linda and Tom's about 10:30 Saturday morning and almost made it to California! The second day we got caught up in all the traffic headed back to LA after Thanksgiving. We made it to about 250 miles from LA and it was bumper to bumper...UNCLE!!! I got this shot of Mt. Shasta early Sunday morning...pretty cool cloud, huh?
This is a sample of the traffic...
...We'd moved about 1/4 mile over the far hill...two hours later, got this of the California hills at sunset...
So, after a night in the Santa Nella Motel 6, we were off at 7am! That's right...7 f'n am! That included breakfast at Denny's too!!! HONEST! So we didn't get too lost in LA, and got into Palm Desert at about 1:30...too early to check in, so we went to Trader Joe's and got some cheap booze, and other less important stuff...like food. Got moved in by 3...we have the unit that has the unique quality of being the furthest from everything...parking, pool...EVERY f'n THING!!! #@&*^%*#%$@!&^AAAHHHHHH!!!
Anyway, Casstonto wanted to go for a swim, so off to the pool we went! Got there 4 hours later...think we got here from Vancouver in less time. Here is what it looks like...
...and here is my hot-honey Casstonto...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...the truth hurts Fartlady! I think I'm going to puke on my burning pants...