Friday, January 3, 2014

So, what did you do today?...

For I care!  We had lunch at Carly's...funky little bistro we discovered after being kicked out of Wild Gary's.
 ...and inside...
...the painting deserves a close-up...
...hardly any guns...this is one of two we spotted...
...they have the best Reuben sandwich I've had in many years!  OK...I had a beer or some...Casstonto was driving...we had a GPS...I didn't fall on anyone.  Then we went off to the Japanese Friendship Garden...didn't meet a single friendly Japanese, except Casstonto.  Got this nice shot of a grandfather with his grandchild...
...and these guppies...
...then we went to a slot car place, and a guy named Bill was racing this drag car...
...and another dull sunset...
 Everyone's pretty quiet out there...shy?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Maybe it will get better....

So, first day of the new year and Wild Gary gives us the boot...not only that, but he is berating Lone on the way out!  I was wearing my Vietnam t-shirt...yep, the one with the yellow star on the front.  Wild Gary sez I'm a one star Lone DeRanger...if I was a five star Lone DeRanger I could stay!

Maureen sez Gary is 5 stars...5 little stars...5 teeny, weeny, minuscule stars...5 limp little microscopic stars!  I like Maureen a lot more than Wild Gary.

After we got the boot, we wandered around looking for a place to stay, but we were in Wild Gary's country, and time after time we got "no room at the inn".  Finally after much searching, we managed to find someone online from Edmonton that didn't know Wild a condo on the other side of town...hardly any shooting at all!

We were mugged twice trying to move our stuff in...Wild Gary said that made it easier because we didn't have anything left to move in...hmmmmm, he has a point.  Because Wild Gary's cousin got all our stuff after mugging us, we went to the food bank to try to get enough for dinner and got turned away

Lone signed autographs outside of the food bank in order to get enough money to buy a modest dinner with wine, but when we got to the check out, I knocked the wine on the floor and broke it.  The cashier said go get another...I fell on the floor and started to slurp up the wine...I know a freebie when I see one!  The cashier said one more slurp and she'd make me pay for it...and some people were watching...ok, fine!  Anyway, the guy behind us said "Hope this year gets better than the first day"...WHATEVER!!!

The shooting stopped momentarily as the sun went down today...but as you can see from the first pic, they still had rockets.

 ...maybe it will get better.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The last day....

...with Maureen and Wild Gary.  I know, you were hoping it was the last day of the blog!
 I have no idea how "Wild" Gary is going to get tonight...he mentioned going to bed early and setting an alarm for 5 minutes before midnight, then getting his noise-maker and blowing                                        the noise-maker.  Hmmmmmmmm  Heart be still!  Anyway, our stay has been wonderful.  They bought this house with all is the living room/dining room...
 ...they refer to it as the "museum", and it is very elegant!  I did notice one thing about the painting behind the dining room table....
...and here is the close-up...
...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...they look VERY familiar!  Anyway, we played a tough course today called Quintero.  I think it was designed by an un-diagnosed schizophrenic!  Quintero means mountain goat screwing eagle while riding a burro backwards.  It was beautiful...but to get to the first tee, there was a 10 minute cart ride through the housing development that didn't happen.  Looks nice though...

...and heading back to Maureen and Wild Gary's we got on the perfect Arizona road...
Seeing as how this is the last day of the year...last hours of 2013...I want to wish everyone all the best in 2014!  Casstonto (don't anyone look up the origin of that name), and Lone are very lucky to have people who will lie right to our faces and call us friends!  I hope 2014 is full of Depends for those who need them, and that for everyone, a non-stop Happy Hour!