Friday, December 23, 2016

A Japanese Castle....

So this castle I'm talking about is a remake of the original the Americans destroyed in the war.  It's all made out of wood, the buildings I mean, and kind of looks like a Chinese restaurant, but it's all good...I mean, if you like that kind of thing.  Here is one of the gates...
...and this is a decoration from the palace....looks like a place that I got really sick at...
They called it the Golden Dragon in Saskatoon...they served really mediocre Chinese, and high mileage hookers, but I digress!  They had this sign somewhere in the big square that people stand around in...
Being familiar with Japanese, I personally translated it for you..."Please make not roll in spaghetti during one legged race".  I don't make this stuff up...this woman was just as perplexed as I was...
They didn't run any spaghetti races when we were there, but that doesn't mean the Emperor didn't like them.  They had big walls and stuff...
...and the kind of stuff you'd expect from spaghetti racers...
 ...and this thing in the Emperors private toilet that kind of surprised me...

...ya, things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  While I was pondering little Tweeties fate, I looked over and Cassandra was trying to pick up some skate dude...I KICKED HIS ASS!!!!
The castle is up on a hill, and I thought we'd better get the hell out of there before any other animals started hitting on Cassandra, so we walked down this hill...
Thought maybe we'd get some tourist info, and when I came back out, this horndog was making obscene gestures at Cassandra who seemed to be welcoming them....hmmmmmmmmm again.
So then we went to a market...
...and this little old lady tried to get Cassandra to go home with her...
Christ, I thought the Russians were bad!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Naha Japan...littleland!

After flying all night, we got to Tokyo at about 6 pm local time, then another 3 hours to Naha, on the island of Okifinoki...the locals call it Okinawa...which means littleland!  I know that sounds like I'm dissing the Japanese, but stuff over here is small...obviously, I don't have experience in EVERYTHING, but here are a few examples:
1.  Naha in Japanese means don't really...think about it...Na means no, and ha means laugh!
     So, if the name of the town is "Don't laugh"...what else is small?
2.  Here is Cassandra in our Kingsized suite!
3.  Possible difficulties ahead!
You can see the problem!
Anyway, we are about to adventure out into Littleland...we'll be safe, I'm wearing a condom again.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Mid air collision of drunk and obnoxious!

Ha.........................I'll bet you are sorry you ever wanted to read the drivel I write!  If you weren't before, now is the time!  I am in the air...writing to you from somewhere in the middle of nowhere...on an f'ing airplane!  I went from wine to some it's scotch to seal the deal!  First I watched the Jason Bourne movie because me watch bad shit...well, mediocre shit, or same old shit...I lost track after the second scotch!  So here I am...up in the air flying to some foreign country nobody has ever heard of...ok, some of you may have heard of Japan...I think they experimented with a bomb there, but I think it's one of the Russian propaganda things.  So, here I am on an airplane, over someplace called Alaskaski...Russian I think...ya, more scotch!  Ya know, the f'n Russians are tailing me again...
See that bitch over my right or left shoulder...........Russian!  Yep.............I'm going to be more convinced when I have that other scotch...did I order it or did you?  Nevermind...they've turned out the lights and all sorts of shadowy characters are running about...shit, the sun is barely down and they have the lights out...WTF?  I've got Grace Jones on the headset...Slave to the rythm...isn't that a Catholic propaganda song...anyway, I'm on top of it!  This is what I see now...
F'ers have me blind...I'm goin' to switch to night vision...ya, that's better...

SHIT...I never should have bought my night vision from Trump at Night...BASTARDO!!!  OK, plan B....I'm going to crawl around on the floor and see whose panties I, I mean I'm going to surveil the enemy area.  Yes, TLD will keep us safe...I'm wearing a condom already!