Girls and boys, there may be 8 million story's in the Naked City...but there are almost as many in Bhujodi, India! Story #1 This old man may have alzheimer's, or he may just be weird, but his village gave him the boot because he could no longer weave...which meant he could no longer make money to feed himself. Things can be harsh here in rural India. However, the good people of Bhujodi gave him a home and small tasks that he performs for the weavers every day! He now has a new tribe!
Story #2 The matriarch of the village of Bhujodi...the general, the person that gives all the orders...the consummate grandmother! You may notice that she likes her jewelry too!
Story #3 "The Spinner" At 81 y/o, she spins every day....wool, cotton, name it, she spins it. She sat on a cement floor for 4 hours spinning while we were there, and got up faster than you'd ever believe! She has lot's of ceremonial tattoos too! She kept asking the translator who all these fools were taking so many photos of her!
Story #4 This one I don't know about...she was selling cheap crap on the street, but didn't look too happy about it...I was afraid to talk with her.
The woman running the tour we are on is called Charlotte, and her daughter is Sophena...a real beauty, inside and out!