Saturday, February 4, 2017


Girls and boys, there may be 8 million story's in the Naked City...but there are almost as many in Bhujodi, India!  Story #1  This old man may have alzheimer's, or he may just be weird, but his village gave him the boot because he could no longer weave...which meant he could no longer make money to feed himself.  Things can be harsh here in rural India.  However, the good people of Bhujodi gave him a home and small tasks that he performs for the weavers every day!  He now has a new tribe!
Story #2  The matriarch of the village of Bhujodi...the general, the person that gives all the orders...the consummate grandmother!  You may notice that she likes her jewelry too!
Story #3  "The Spinner"  At 81 y/o, she spins every day....wool, cotton, name it, she spins it.  She sat on a cement floor for 4 hours spinning while we were there, and got up faster than you'd ever believe!  She has lot's of ceremonial tattoos too!  She kept asking the translator who all these fools were taking so many photos of her!
Story #4  This one I don't know about...she was selling cheap crap on the street, but didn't look too happy about it...I was afraid to talk with her.
The woman running the tour we are on is called Charlotte, and her daughter is Sophena...a real beauty, inside and out!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Trumpsized fort!

UGE...f'n UGE...I've seen big, I grew up in Saskatchewan....ok, bad, I've seen Donald on TV...ya, it was a big TV, but that man's gut is bigger than most of the states that elected him!  THIS is bigger!
It's way up on a hill, overlooking Jodhpur...who in the hell puts an "H" in Jodhpur?
 In this Trumpsized fort, this single, little canon had plenty of symbolic significance!  If this fort had hands, this pee shooter would signify teeny weeny!  Speaking of Trump, is he still a moronic asshole?  We don't get the latest news here...probably a good 15 minutes behind CNN, but they think he's a sophomoric, moronic, ego-maniacal, lunatic, short sighted asshole.  The fort is very nice....and big!
I don't think this makes it look all that big, but I liked the birds...
Here's my Great, Great Uncle Daryl's hot yoga room...had hot chicks all over the place...
Speaking of hot chicks, here's Cassandra doing something...
After the big fort, we had lunch and made our way back to the hotel...which, BTW, is a former f'n palace!  Here's the pool...
...and here's the guy that keep the bad people out...
...and this is some kind of flowery thing...
Tomorrow, we fly to Bombay to take a hand to hand combat class...we learn how to kill a man with a dried mushroom in the shape of a wizened ear!  Then the next day we fly to my favourite place in the world, Booze.......can't wait to report from THERE!!!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Dye another day...

We are on this tour so that Cassandra can explore Indian, textiles...I always get those two confused.  Yesterday, we got on the big bus and motored off into the countryside to a little village (100,000 people) called Bagru...that may be wrong, but what do you're still thinking testicles.  There Cassandra turned her hands blue monkeying around with indigo...there are many things you don't know about she loves to grovel around on the ground picking up old kite string just next to the pisswall...yes, just what you think it is.  There are more cell phones in India than indoor toilets.
  She bought a beautiful shawl with a big toenail sewn into it!  I wouldn't have done this, but she bit that thing out with a skill I found astonishing!  Don't worry, she didn't eat far as I know.   Her shawl now has a toenail hole in it...but that makes it quaint...she says!  She seems innocent enough when you first meet her, doesn't she?  So she was dyeing some stuff...napkins or sleeping bags, I lose track...and I went off into the village to get some old man shots!
After all that stuff, we got back to the tour compound where there was a band waiting for me to dance!
I didn't want to show off, but I did anyway!
I had just stuck my single back flip here...the judges gave me a 9 because my legs were apart...
Here I am waving to my adoring fans after landing the double back....twice!  They love me here! Today, we had a free day...a day we could go out and shop!...the day I put JUST ahead of  "sliding down a 50' razor blade into a pool of iodine" day.  Oh, lucky day.  We went to the pot and pan bazaar...yes, it's every bit as interesting as it sounds.  Fortunately, Cassandra caught a little interaction between TLD and one of my subjects..."Yes, I took your photo..."
..."ya, see...right here..."
"...that's a picture of me?...HEY, THAT'S ME!"
..."Ya sneaky bastard!"
He was so focused on what he was doing, he had no idea I was even there!
Anyway, Cassandra bought a bunch of stuff...and I took these...
 Tomorrow we get outta Dodge (Jaipur)...and head for Jodhpur...can't these Indians spell...who in the hell would put an "H" in Jodhpur...not as bad as putting an f'n Trump in the Whitehouse, but weird.