Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Back in Cusco, and out of intensive care!

Much to Dora the Terminator's chagrin, I survived that second last hike!  The Inca's called it WOPTJ;KXNVK}( plain English it's translates as "The Devils Hemorrhoid" wasn't that nice!  Anyway, Dora said "let's go to this place...Saqsaywaman"......yet again I completely misunderstood her, I thought she wanted to go to a strip club....................nope..............more hiking.  CRAP...I was up for a few cool ones and some peelers, but NO.  Those Incas built stuff all over the place...this one was right up behind Cusco.  That's Cusco in the background...

Dora was right there...she promised the strip club later that night!!!  Ya baby...she rocks!!!

Part of this place must have been some sort of amusement park...look at this, I tried to slide down them but they haven't been used for a while I guess...
...and I couldn't figure out what part of the park this is...
...and this sweet little old lady was part of the McDonalds entourage...
This was at the top of the same hill...but I don't think the Inca's put it there.  It say's "Donald Trump Welcomes You to Cusco" at the base....................that guy is everywhere!
The next day we went back to the market to shop...I think it was "Unhappy Day" at the market...

...well, except for this guy selling used cars...
We stumbled across the potato section...3800 different kinds of potatoes in Peru!
After buying out half the market..........AND LOADING IT INTO MY BACKPACK!, Dora decided it was time to return to Talya's.  Did I mention that Talya's house is right under the Cusco flight path? huh.  Well fortunately it's a small airport, and there are only 300 of these occurrences daily, starting at 5am!
...but the flowers don't mind.
Dora hasn't told me how she plans to kill me tomorrow, so no spoiler alerts.....................sigh.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Dora the Terminator!

Dora must have taken out a huge insurance policy on TLD because she damned near kilt me a few days ago!  "Let's go up to these's a leisurely 3.5 hour walk back to town"!  TLD: "Oh, that sounds great dear!"  It started easy up to the ruins, see the same old run down stuff...

That's when she get's this devilish look in her eye..."ok, lets start walking out!"
Within 15 minutes it turned into the most beautiful walk through hell you could ever imagine!  Think of 3.5 hours on the stairmaster at the top level....BUT WORSE!!!!!
...and Dora cool as a cucumber.  You see that little trail in the photo above...that is like an 8 lane highway compared to most of the crap we were on!  Dora doesn't break a sweat....
F'n trail nearly killed me...I was going to call in a helicopter, but there was no cell service...CRAP!!!  Here is some other stuff we saw...

It took a good 16 beer to feel like stumbling again!  There is NO oxygen in Peru...not ANY!!!