Tuesday, February 3, 2015

5 days remaining...

Yep, 5 days left on this trip...2 more here, 3 in Hong Kong, then home sweet home.  This has been a really good trip...we loved Sri Lanka, and it was exciting to see the people's reaction to the new government.  The Maldives has been wonderful in its own right...although today was kind of rough out on the ocean...no snorkeling today!

  ...that's the breakwater for the resort...those lamps are about 8' high, and the breakwater is about 30' wide at that point.  They hit the wall with enough force to wash all the way over! A couple of flowers on our way to and from meals...
...so we are at the second last sunset for The Maldives...not a bad one...


  1. I don't see anr mermaids being washed over the breakwater?

  2. Maldives.....Maldives.....Maldives, doin' the old Maldives......TLD's way.

  3. TLD: Don't ya know nuthin???? thats not a Buddah trying to catch a fly! that's the new catcher for the Toronto Blue Jays...his real name is Budda Bing

  4. Thank God, Buddha or whomever... it's over ! It was like watching a train wreck. I just couldn't look away. Please! Bring back The Lone Felon !!

  5. Trust nuttin that the TLD says...he'll be back!

    1. The truth, and nothing but the truth! Maybe a name change...The Lone Truth DeRanger Truth Guy...kinda catchy, don'tcha think?
