Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sri f'n 6, Jaffna

Yesterday was very busy...we did another big tour of stuff...Sri Lanka has a lot of stuff...and I did tons of pictures of the stuff we did and saw!  But then, our guide Ruwan invited us to his home for dinner...we both saw this as a great honour!  Here is a picture of Ruwan and his family...and Cassandra... many, if not most, know TLD doesn't shed tears very often...if ever!  I will openly admit to being VERY touched by this fine family.  By their standards, they fed us a feast in a very modest house full of love.  Sri Lanka is a wonderful country full of classy people like Ruwan and his family...his youngest daughter (6y/o) is FULL of energy...
OK, enough gushing...I've got a good buzz going from some Lion Lager beer, let's get moving!  Yesterday Ruwan took us mountain climbing...first on the list, this place... to someone who cares about what the place was called...there were a million f'n steps to get there...I'd guesstimate 4000 feet of elevation change...minimum...I ran up those like my pants were on fire.  When Cassandra and Ruwan caught up, I'd already been instructed on the history by this guy in an orange dress...hey, everyone has a thing...
...anyway, this is what we saw up there...
 ...the lesser among us didn't want to climb up the the real top...ok, I understand that not everyone is athletic as is the way up...
...anyway...the first stair picture, reverse it...I took it in ONE  enormous stride, and went to somewhere else called something else...
...ya...big rock place...1000ft. up...nah...too easy.  Apparently there's a temple up there...who cares...see the little people?...
This brings me to an interesting point...our friends Jane and Mike are going to be retiring this month and Mike always whines about how we travel...something about bathrooms, and sit down this unreasonable?
...and, of course, really roughing it on dining...
Anyway, where was I...oh's a great old guy from the other day...
 ...then we climbed up to see some monk caves...
 ...then some more elaborate caves...all painted and stuff...

 ...then we went to a big commercial market...
 ...this is getting kind of long isn't it...oh well, we're in Jaffna now...had to get a permit because of that war big deal for TLD...we be BAD!!!!


  1. Immediately after his binge drinking episode with TLD, His Beeriness read the blog and immediately issued a world wide statement to stop deriding and making fun of his faith. You wouldn't know why he did that do you? Also the Altar Boys Association issued a plea to have TLD excommunicated for leaking secrets of their vocation. Just keeping you up to date on current events.
    Your boat pictures are great. Couldn't find another Stupa?
    T & D.

  2. So glad you got to share a beer with the Popester!
    Way cool photos, TLD!! thank you!
