Monday, January 13, 2014


Yes...we are in a place called Mulege...a little oasis of a town, built on a river.  I think it calls into suspect the educational system of Mexico.  Either they can't spell, or they can't pronounce the name correctly.  If they want to spell it that way, then pronounce it properly...Mew-leggie!  They seem hell bent on pronouncing it Moo-le-hay...THEN SPELL IT THAT WAY!!!  And another thing...Baja...they pronounce it Baha, when it should be Bay-Jay...and don't get me going on what they do with Jesus!!!  Did the Greeks get to Mexico first?...Hey Zeus! go figure.

Anyway, we started in Bahia de los Angeles this morning with an unremarkable sunrise...
...the temp got up there pretty fast as we went into the interior of Bay-Jay...
...we got into Moo-le-hay about 3pm and checked into the Hacienda Hotel...see if you can guess which guest is Casstonto...
...ok, here's a close-up... here's my point.  Take the name don't spell it KhasThondough...and you pronounce it the way it's spelled!  Here's one of the guys that lives in this place...
I can't figure this one out...does this mean the fire dept. loves bombs?
...this is the street view of our room...
...and the moon and some palm trees...
 ...and a funny colored hill on the outside of town...
...we're going to stay here a couple days...any requests?


  1. Erotic bombs. Hahah

  2. Take a Spanish lesson or you will be caer en la miseria!

