Friday, November 29, 2013

How to argue with Gene...

We are on our first leg of what we promise will be a monumental Seattle with our friends, Linda and Tom.  Linda and Tom have two great kids, Megan and Matt...
Last night was American Thanksgiving, and Linda and Tom are amazing cooks...I take that back...Linda is an amazing cook, Tom is a really good bartender!  Not surprisingly, I like Tom a lot!  Linda went all out last night...preparing one of the best Thanksgiving meals I've ever had!  Tom went all out and got me drunk...consequently, there are no photos of the dinner...CRAP!!!  Also invited to the dinner were some friends of our hosts, Martha and Gene...both lawyers, Martha is still working, Gene is retired.  Gene was the lawyer for MLBPA...Major League Baseball Players Association.  The Lone DeRanger and Gene didn't hit it off.  I should have known that arguing with a lawyer doesn't end well for an unarmed Lone DeRanger.  Gene said that baseball players are the most skilled of all the professional sports.  I called FOS (full of shit), and proceeded to introduce Gene to the concept of hockey.  Oops...turns out Gene represented over 1000 NHL players in his time.  Ya well, f#*k that and the horse you rode in on!  Turns out that was my best argument!  Gene had things he called facts...what do facts have to do with anything?  The Lone DeRanger don't need no stinkin' facts!  Amigos, I was gettin' killed!  Fortunately, Matt came to my rescue!  We ganged up on Gene...I said "YOU STINK"...Matt said "LIKE SHIT"...we high 5'd and retired to the living room to savour our victory!  Turns out high powered lawyers don't have a chance when their opponent (me) is ignorant!  HA, take that Gene!  What kind of a girlie name is Gene anyway?...he probably had to be smart with a name like that!  With a name like The Lone DeRanger, I don't have to be smart!  Honest!


  1. No good lawyer jokes?

  2. Cannot say I have much sympathy if you choose to argue with a lawyer.

    Reminds me of what I once read about engineers (but applies equally to lawyers): Arguing with a lawyer is like wrestling in mud with a pig: after an hour you realise the pig is actually enjoying ot...
