Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The day before Machu Picchu

Anyone who has read this blog (both of you) know that in India I got a little distracted by the men...Peru seems to be women.  The only men we see seem to be working construction, or some other "manly" thing...women do everything else!  The market stuff we love so much seems to be their domain.  We left Cusco on a mission to get to Machu Picchu yesterday (Tuesday).  There are a few sites we wanted to see between here and there, so we hired a car and driver to do that.  The first place we went to was ok, but I can't remember the name.  Anyway, there was a great lady selling wrist bands...Casstonto had to have she is...
Like I said, the site was ok...
I think t one time or another we have all felt like we worked at the salt is the real thing!
I don't know what the hell it's called...I only found out we are in Peru a couple of hours ago!  Who cares how salt is made...I took their word for it...something about puddles and other complicated stuff.  So after we saw the salt mines...I think it was called Saltysaltarooney,  does that make you feel better?  Did you know I listen to Led Zepplin when I write this crap?  After the salt mine, we drove to some crop circles and saw this...

Looks pretty, but I have no idea what it is.  So we stopped in some town called HolycrapI'minPeru...that one is hard to pronounce...take a shot...I always burp when I say it.  Anyway, we saw all these people lined up to meet me, or  a doctor or something...

I asked the Dr. what they were sick of, she said men, and Casstonto confirmed...what?  Did I mention the crop thought I was jivin' ya didn't ya?...well looky here...

I took these from my helicopter.............Don't ask me, I don't know what the hell they are...if I tell you it's a water balloon drop will ya get off my back?  Then we went to a place called Oyantetumbo...hey, I don't make this crap up!  That's when we saw this stuff...

Tomorrow Machu Picchu...I lied, we did that today, but I'm too lazy to do another blog tonight, so screw off!!!  hahahaha...maybe another shot before bed........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  1. OK, Dianne is definitely NOT going back to Peru. She thinks wrinkles might be contagious. Beauty shots with the mountains as backdrops. Remember to breathe a lot tomorrow.

  2. They have a lung stuff back in chest station half way up...used it three times!
