Tuesday, March 5, 2019

23 hours of Air Canada...

The Air Canada slogan is "We aren't happy unless YOU are unhappy!"  They live up to the slogan...Casstonto's seat didn't recline, no plug for the computer, no usb, and a really crappy screen to watch old movies on...other than that, it was fine!  We got up at 5am for an 8am flight...AC changed our seats without telling us...DON'T  THEY  F'N KNOW WHO I AM?  Anyway, we got to Toronto without puking...well, hardly puking.  This little guy was making faces at me, and I made faces right back at him...
That's when his father told him who he was messin' with...
Then we got on another AC flight to Lima, arriving at 2am...then, without missing a stride, got on a 5am flight to Cusco...we were a little wonky, and butt weary, but in PERU!!!  Casstonto's childhood friend has invited us to stay in her magnificent house for a month!
Got this shot in her garden after a too short nap...
...and this is what I saw from her rooftop patio...
We got some 'esplorin to do tomorrow...stay tuned.


  1. Aw...man...so jealous! Except for the sore butt part. I can do that at home. But thanks for sharing. You got the knack!

  2. ...and this was a special business class ticket, just cause they knew you were coming!
