UGE...f'n UGE...I've seen big, I grew up in Saskatchewan....ok, bad, I've seen Donald on TV...ya, it was a big TV, but that man's gut is bigger than most of the states that elected him! THIS is bigger!
It's way up on a hill, overlooking Jodhpur...who in the hell puts an "H" in Jodhpur?
In this Trumpsized fort, this single, little canon had plenty of symbolic significance! If this fort had hands, this pee shooter would signify teeny weeny! Speaking of Trump, is he still a moronic asshole? We don't get the latest news here...probably a good 15 minutes behind CNN, but they think he's a sophomoric, moronic, ego-maniacal, lunatic, short sighted asshole. The fort is very nice....and big!
I don't think this makes it look all that big, but I liked the birds...
Here's my Great, Great Uncle Daryl's hot yoga room...had hot chicks all over the place...
Speaking of hot chicks, here's Cassandra doing something...
After the big fort, we had lunch and made our way back to the hotel...which, BTW, is a former f'n palace! Here's the pool...
...and here's the guy that keep the bad people out...
...and this is some kind of flowery thing...
Tomorrow, we fly to Bombay to take a hand to hand combat class...we learn how to kill a man with a dried mushroom in the shape of a wizened ear! Then the next day we fly to my favourite place in the world, Booze.......can't wait to report from THERE!!!
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