Sunday, February 8, 2015

Possibly...well maybe...ok, I really don't know...

I wrote that title last night, and something wonderful, and witty was about to be written...but now that I'm sober, I have no idea what I was going to say...
It's our last full day in Hong Kong.  I want to acknowledge 2 people for recognition...the first, FARTMAN!...he got a new grant to continue work as the lizard proctologist!  Way to go FARTMAN!!!
Second, Wild Gary for his inability to post a single comment this trip.  Last year he hogged the comments...posting 2, 3, sometimes 5 comments per day.  Last year he had a comment on everything...even shit I didn't write about...what a goof!...doesn't he know who I am?  I wanted to thank Alexa and Tristan for putting us up in Hong Kong, so we went out to a fancy restaurant last night.  Nur...I think the name was longer but they couldn't afford a bigger sign...
...hey look...when you spell it backwards it's RUN, which seems to be what Cassandra is doing this morning...poor thing.  The food was wonderful...lot's of little courses like these...
 ...very fancy!  Today, we went out to some little island, and the fishing village out there.  To get there we went on a huge gondola ride...up above the airport...
 ...up at the top was "THE BIG BUDDHA"...ya, no kidding!
 ...why they would make a statue of some guy trying to catch a fly, I have no idea!  From there we took a bus down to the little fishing village  Tai-O...
 ...had lunch with these two beauties...
...Tristan and I had some of these...
...didn't buy this...
...and finally saw an old Chinese lady...
tomorrow at this time we will be in the air, on our way home.  It's been a wonderful this is your last chance to tell me just how wonderful at reporting I truly am...hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Here are a few spare photos while you think up something good!
 ...look out world, we're comin' home!


  1. I hate to harp on about but where are the mermaids? I think you should start the trip over again and try harder

    1. I'll send you my bank info...deposit the lavish amount of money this cost, then I'm good to go! We fly business ya know.

  2. Once upon a time, I visited that Buddha when there was not fancy villages, flying gondolas or screaming mainlanders.

  3. Oh good. you will be home in time for the Patriots victory parade!

    1. I thought you cheered for the, Packers?

  4. Or Pete Carroll's public lynching.

    Thanks for the photo of Alexa. I'll put it on the wall with the rest.......

    (official agent ...ya ya - you know the rest)

    PS - The proper authorities have been notified that you are returning home with ugly seashell wind chimes, and dozens of photos of people with 'summer' teeth ( summer pointing this way, summer are pointing that way, summer missing completely...)

  5. Why are you soooo much funnier here than in person?

    1. Because - in person...I'm talking to YOU!

      Yada, Yada, Yada

    2. Ya, but then I have a visual...that should make everything funnier!
