Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Got back this morning...the flight attendants on JAL said we had landed in Vancouver, but I know Zombieland when I see it!  16 hours time difference puts me right in the middle of Zombieland...right in the capital city of Brainfog!  Casstonto has been instrumental in keeping me out of traffic, but has gotten me a guest spot on The Walking Dead...I play myself.

Thanks for all the stupid comments...especially Wild Gary, he rarely makes ANY sense!  And for all the chickens out there who didn't comment, well, ya had yer chance!

That's it for awhile...HONEST!

1 comment:

  1. Why, that was a stupid comment about my stupid comments! Ha! By the way, I sure like that oriental throne you're sitting on. But where do you flush?! And don't forget to pull up your yellow dress or it could get messy. Depends if you wear them or not.

    Thanks for sharing your and Casstonto's journey with some incredible photos. And more importantly, thanks for the upcoming break!!! Hahahahahahaha.
