Tuesday, January 21, 2014

We gotchur whales for ya!

We got up in Guerrero Negro this morning, and went and saw some whales...lots and lots of whales!
...not an inspiring sunrise, but not bad considering I was overlooking a garbage dump.  We had to drive through a salt farm...I don't know what to call the thing...it was cool though...
 ...it looked like snow...EVERYWHERE!!!  We got to the calving lagoon, and went out in small boats...
 ...fairly small group, 8 of us.  There were about 450-500 adults, and about 250 calves...f'n whales everywhere!!!
 Unfortunately, I got stuck on the wrong side of the boat...Casstonto got all the good shots!  I SUCK!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that was a whale of a tale, or was that the other way around? At least it proves I went right to the end of the blog...is there a prize for endurance? Probably no prize comments from those frost-bitten wind-chilled house-bound polar-vortexed Canadians who can only play computer golf indoors these days. And to think that's coming from a displaced Canadian living in sunny and warm southern California this winter!
    Photos are okay but what I really wanted to see is Casstonto's photos from the other side of the boat! Safe trip north!
